Next LTC Class

Saturday, October 12, 2024

8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

$60 (Cash or Credit Card)

Reservations are not required

License To Carry class

Guns Up! Training offers License To Carry classes.  The LTC class (formerly called Concealed Handgun License) is taught at the Guns Up! Training Center in Hale Center.  However, we are glad to come to your workplace, church or wherever to provide the class.

The Guns Up! Training Center has an indoor gun range.

The class starts at 8 a.m. and is normally concluded by 3 p.m.  You will need to bring a handgun and at least 50 rounds of ammunition. Guns Up! has loaner handguns for rent and will provide the ammo.  Shooting experience or prior practice to the class is strongly recommended but not required. 

Cost of the class is only $60, and that includes lunch.  Reservations are not required, just show up.

The handgun proficiency requires a total of 50 rounds:  20 rounds shot from 3 yards (9 feet), 20 rounds from 7 yards (21 feet) and 10 rounds from 15 yards (45 feet).  Red dots are allowed, but lasers are not.  Minimum proficiency is 70% (which is a minimum of 175 out of a maximum of 250 points).

18 to 20 year olds can now get a Texas License To Carry permit.  A 17 year old can take the class but cannot get their LTC until their 18th birthday.  Without an LTC you must be 21 years of age to carry a handgun.

Persons convicted of a felony are not eligible to get an LTC, nor can they carry constitutionally. A person is ineligible for a license for five years after a conviction for a Class A or Class B misdemeanor.  For the purpose of determining eligibility, a conviction includes those that were dismissed after you completed probation or deferred adjudication.

Topics covered in class include signs for licensed and unlicensed persons, the use of force, when deadly force can and cannot be used, Texas firearms laws, non-violent dispute resolution, situational awareness, and interaction with law enforcement.

Reasons to have a Texas LTC:

In Texas a person does not have to have a gun permit to carry a handgun on them, however, there are many advantages of having an LTC such as: 

1) Firearm purchases are not delayed, and are immediate.  A Texas LTC permit can be used as an alternative to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check.

2) For travelers, a Texas LTC is recognized in 38 states.  However, you must abide by their state handgun laws and rules.  Texas Handgun License holders can carry firearms in states where Texas has a reciprocity agreement or state law recognizes the Texas Handgun license.

3)  It is a government issued photo ID. Take it to the voting polls in lieu of your driver’s license.

4) License holders have protections related to the accidental carrying of a firearm in a secured area at an airport.

5)  Businesses may choose to allow licensed carry on their premises.

6)  License holders can carry in government meetings.

7)  An LTC is required to carry concealed (only) on university campuses.

8)  For veterans your LTC can be used as proof being a veteran to obtain discounts at local establishments offering discounts to veterans.

9)  For a 5-year LTC permit, cost is only about $8 a year.

10) Your LTC shows you were proficient with your handgun.

In addition to completing the LTC class and gun qualification, students will need to apply online with DPS and schedule to be fingerprinted. This will be explained in detail in class. 

Persons who need help with their DPS application may come to the Guns Up! Gun Store and we will gladly help you get that completed.  We will also help you get your fingerprints scheduled.